Day 7 : Alaska 2024 GNSS-A Deployment - One week on board


    After a night rocked by the waves, the members of the group 1 shift gathered together.

 The storm seems to be passing further north. As a result, the waves are still high but the frequency is low. So we can stay in the deployment area and don't need to seek shelter behind an island ! What a great new !


View from the main lab

Dr Glenn Sasagawa showed us how to adjust the transponders before their deployment ! We need to check the information on a computer.. twice is always better.

        Joaquin, Glenn and Nathalie checking the transponder's information


However, as the sea is too rough to deploy the transponders, we are taking CTD measurements.
We are currently close to the subduction trench, thus bathymetry is increasing : we are about 4700 meters above seafloor. CTD measurements last much longer : around 3h to reach the seafloor and come back to the surface ! But this is not the deepest point we will reach.


After a week on board, we cannot claim to have the same experience as Captain Hamill. Look at him surfing on the waves, while some of us are still seasick.

Captain Hamill surfing on the tide

