Continued Installation of the Cascadia GNSS-A Network

We accomplished all of our primary science goals for the 2023 Cascadia cruise, and more!  As part of this 6-day trip, we deployed 7 transponders (completing 3 GNSS-A sites), recovered 6 transponders at old GNSS-A sites with low battery levels, serviced a seafloor fiber optical strainmeter, deployed and recovered two Wave Gliders, collected 8 profiles of acoustic wave speed with depth, and collected a photogrammetry dataset to assess the stability of a seafloor benchmark.  This kept the 19-member science party busy, and required 24-hour operations to get the work done. We had fair seas throughout the trip, which made for a gentle ride and no weather delays.  Thank you to the Jason team and the Thompson crew for a successful expedition!
